Sunday, September 14, 2008

Stock situation

Well by now everyone knows the Photo Shelter Collection news. It leaves lots of people like me wondering where to turn for selling stock images. I've been doing a bit of searching the net and found a few resources that can be helpful.

There's also some good advice on this post. While I agree with most of those sentiments, I'd like to avoid microstock altogether.

Personally I think the closing of PSC leaves a bit of a void for options. I'd love to join something like Digital Railroad but the cost of using their service wouldn't allow me to ever get out of the red. The Independent Photography Network not only has high costs, but qualifications I don't meet.

Almay seems to be the only real option for non-microstock with no subscription fees (although I'm looking for others and I suspect they are out there). Too bad, as they are not US based, which I feel can sometimes influence what will sell. It's nice to have as a compliment to a US based company, but don't think it should be my only avenue.

With a smaller collection like mine, one thing I really liked about PSC was their stock requests feed. Rather than try to put pictures into the cloud that is searched by stock buyers, it was nice to see exactly what stock buyers have for immediate needs. A service like that is specifically what I'm interested in finding now. I've found a few that were subscription based, but nothing else yet that is free.

More to come.... If you have information to share I'd love to hear it.

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