Thursday, April 23, 2009

CoolIris showing Flicrk photos

I just played around with CoolIris. Here's my flickr photostream running through it. This may not display correctly, so we'll see how blogger handles it. If you are reading this through a feed reader you will probably have to go to the full page to see it. What do you think?

Friday, February 20, 2009


Paid apps opened up on the android market today. My friend Dan has been working on an application called AlphaMixr for a while in preparation. I've been beta testing, and let me tell you it is addicting. It is a game of making 3 to 6 letter words out of a specific 6 letters.

Dan's effort polishing the game and companion website ( really show. If you have an android device (T-Mobile G1) you should definitely check it out. I think you'll really like it too.

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