Thursday, December 20, 2007

Canons in Action

This thread is great if you are a Canon fan like me.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Titus on flickr

I know it's been a while since my last post... I've been ill (as has my entire family). Today I did a search on flickr for other Titus references. I came across a list of interesting stuff, and now have a list of the Titus landmarks that I must see some day. They include:

I also found a few other shots worth mentioning:

I never knew the name was so popular.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

First photoSIG post

I signed up for a free photoSIG account a while ago. While I love flickr, I wanted to find out how the photoSIG site worked too. Their goal is to get three comments on every photo, and uploads are limited based on how many each user makes. On top of that, I've also seen some very constructive feedback provided in the comments.

I chose one of my favorite pictures of the kids as a first post. We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

HDR with Photoshop

There are a ton of articles online describing High Dynamic Range pictures. I think the first article I read on the subject has one of the best HDR pictures I've found so far. I'm referring to the church at the bottom of the page.

Unfortunately PSE doesn't support making HDR images. Here are some links that include or recommend alternatives:

Humingbird photos

I don't think you could find a better collection of hummingbird photos then the pool on the flickr group.

Hawk pictures

There is a poster on DPReview whose alias is "Hawkman". I saw some of his posts that included incredible pictures. He has a great gallery of them online too.

Eagle pictures

To continue with my photo wish list theme today, I'll address eagle pictures. Some great examples are on my friend Mark's site . As you can see by checking out all his stuff, Mark has a collection of really great work.

I would be remiss if I didn't also mention his pileated woodpecker shot, that got me interested in bird photography to start with. Thanks Mark.

Night scene

Well the first item to address on my photo wish list is the night scene. I like several that Bree has posted, but this one I came across first is still a bit of a favorite of mine. I know he doesn't find it as alluring as I do, but I think that's part of photography. There's a lesson there: take pictures and let people see them. Even if you don't find them exceptional, they may strike a chord with someone else.

Click here to see Bree's night scene.

As my comment suggests, I did add the pictures to my list of favorites. You should check all of them out. In the event you hadn't guessed, they're my favorites. :-)

Photo wishlist update

First off, I left off getting some HDR shots from my wishlist in the previous post. They look great, and I'd like to play around making some of those. In fact, some of the items on my wishlist might make good HDR photos.

Now on to the reason for posting today... I thought it would be a good idea to create some inspirational pictures I know of that would both show readers why that type of photo is on my list and remind me why I should get out and take the picture. I'll proceed with a separate post for each. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Photo wishlist

I was talking to my friend Bree this morning, and the subject of a list to capture came up. Here is my list as it sits today, in no particular order. I need to write it down somewhere so don't lose it. What's on your list?

  • city at night
  • sunset
  • dragonfly
  • hummingbird
  • owl
  • hawk
  • eagle (I have some, but would like better ones)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Photoshop Elements 6

I've just received Photoshop Elements 6 (PSE6). I wanted to install some actions, but ran into a bit of difficulty, as almost everything Google sent my way was for prior versions. I think I found what I needed.

I also stumbled upon the PSE Flickr group in the process. That looks like it has lots for me to dig into.

Now all I need is a time machine to get a chance to read and experiment with all this.

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